Safeguarding Information

This section has been designed to support any learner who has concerns about their own, or someone else’s, well-being, health or safety. Safeguarding means ensuring that we protect ourselves and others from harm or damage using the appropriate measures. The Care Trainings is committed to ensuring that we take appropriate action to ensure that young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe. See below for further information on safeguarding at The Care Trainings.

Care Trainings Safeguarding Team

Name - Janice Oliver

Title - Designated Safeguarding lead

Email Id - [email protected]

Phone No. - +02039292013

Need help/answers?

Talk to us

If something’s not going right, or you have any concerns, you can always talk to your Safeguard Lead

Call Us


Message us

Confidential Email Helpline

Our confidential email helpline is available to all learners and employers.

It offers advice and support from Care Trainings staff with specialist knowledge in this area, and signposting guidance to other appropriate organisations which provide advice on matters of equality and employment in the workplace.

If you have an issue or question, please email us at:

[email protected]

We hope to respond within 24 hrs.

'Prevent At Care Trainings

Care Trainings is also committed to mitigating, and supporting others to mitigate, the threat of terrorism to the UK. Care Trainings recognises that all staff and learners have a role to play in preventing radicalisation. All complaints, allegations or suspicions relating to radicalisation are taken extremely seriously by Care Trainings. For Care Trainings policy on Prevent, please access our Safeguarding and Prevent policy by clicking here.